Happy New Year! It’s the first full week since the new year arrived and I hope you’ve all been having a blast so far! I myself have been pretty hard on myself, which has resulted in panic attacks and anxiety but I’m glad I got myself out of it before I made the situation any worse. All because I didn’t start everything I wanted to on the very first day of the year – exercise, projects, etc etc. Crazy I know!
Before 2015 ended I reflected on the year, making two lists – one of things I realised throughout the year and another of my highlights. Now seems like a good time to share…
“15 Things I Realised In 2015″…
- life’s too short to care about what people think of me – wear what I want and do what I want (but always be a nice, kind person in the process!)
- if people hurt me (emotionally) forgive them and don’t hold onto a grudge – it’s a poison that will only hurt me more than them. Plus if someone has something negative to say to me, it’s their issue not mine
- work hard and show up – even if it feels like nothing is changing, it eventually will
- it’s never too late to do anything, don’t let age, weight, skill set hold me back
- make memories – take pictures, meet people, go places
- travel and see more of the world
- plan things, dream, imagine, visualise and manifest
- read more books
- only think positive thoughts but forgive myself if negativity creeps in
- take care of myself, mentally and physically – exercise, stretch, wear nice clothes and make up, laugh, smile and have fun
- be happy for other people
- take me time – be alone with myself, go on walks, have a bath, go to a gallery
- have some hobbies – knitting, art, blogging
- declutter – make space for new things to enter my life
- be passionate and love my life – every experience good and bad has taught me a lesson of some kind
Feel free to comment below and share what kind of things you realised in 2015.