If like me you’re still struggling to get in to the swing of things this new year, you might want to look back and reminisce on all your achievements throughout 2015. I did this at the end of last year, at first I really struggled to put anything down on paper but once I started the memories just kept flowing. It’s quite a therapeutic exercise to do, especially if you need a little pick me up. So here goes…
“My 15 Highlights Of 2015”
- spending New Years Day with my love and going for an early morning jog around the park
- New York! New York! Experiencing this magical city in the winter and SNOW, even the annoying black slush didn’t dampen my spirits
- seeing Chris Brown, Trey Songz and Tyga perfoming at the Izod Centre (which according to Google has now closed down). The experience of figuring out how to get there, getting a coach with locals and going to New Jersey was pretty cool
- going to Barcelona in the summer
- getting a new bed
- having the house to myself for three whole weeks
- finding an amazing hairdresser who understands the needs of my hair
- truthbombs – yes the truth hurts but I’d rather someone close to me be honest to me than be a wolf in sheeps clothing!
- finding supplements to clear my skin after years of being on the pill
- discovering so many amazing spiritual teachers and actually understanding their messages
- seeing Eckhart Tolle and Dalai Lama in London and what would have been Wayne Dyer but I believe he was there in spirit
- giving to charity and the homeless/less fortunate on my birthday and Christmas Eve
- starting Project Life for 2016
- my new camera Canon G7x which I got on a really good deal
- some lovely items in the Christmas sales, which I would never have spent full price on (mainly from Ted Baker)
Here’s a little video of my journey to Barcelona that my brother made. It makes me smile every time I watch it 🙂
Feel free to share your highlights of 2015 in the comments box below.