What is mindfulness?

I’ve recently been thinking about what it means to be mindful and I think people can sometimes overcomplicate the notion of mindfulness. I think it’s…

Wise Wednesdays: Plant The Seeds You Want …

I absolutely love this quote and think it’s so important to quit the negative self talk we do because whether you like it or not…

Goodbye September, Hello October

Wow so where did September go?! Not that I’m complaining because I’m ready and looking forward to the colder weather (not that we’ve had much…

Choose Life

This “CHOOSE LIFE” slogan is so appropriate right now. 2016 has taken so many legends from us and has given us so many indications and…

Daily Favourites: Bank Holiday Monday Unicorn Motivation

Favourite Unicorn Quotes “Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn.” “Your sparkle hasn’t not gone unnoticed.” “Be a…

What’s the key to success?

Don’t you hate it when you can give everyone else the best advice in the world to live the most amazing life they can, yet…

Happy New Year // 15 Things I Realised In 2015

Happy New Year! It’s the first full week since the new year arrived and I hope you’ve all been having a blast so far! I…

Don’t Kill My Vibe

Don’t ever let anyone kill your vibe because you are worth more than someone’s cruel words. When people put other people down it usually stems…

Jealousy Is A Lousy Feeling!

We’ve all been there, that horrible feeling of being jealous of other people. It could be because of what they’ve achieved in their lives, the…