Thankful Thursdays: Things Don’t Always Workout …

IN THE PHOTO: (I love my diary from Danielle La Porte next year will be my third year using it, I love the prompts and…

Wise Wednesdays: Dr Wayne Dyer

(Image Source: Pinterest) “When you squeeze an orange, you’ll always get orange juice to come out. What comes out is what’s inside.” – Dr Wayne…

Wise Wednesdays – Keeping a Positive Mindset LOA

I’ve recently started practising “The Law of Attraction” in my daily routine and I’ve chosen to do this consciously, meaning I’m being mindful about my thoughts.…

Daily Favourites: This is actually a weekly …

As I mentioned on Instagram I didn’t blog this week due to a bereavement in my family, unfortunately my uncle passed away but I’m sure…

Daily Favourites: Wednesday Wisdom with Dr Wayne …

Favourite Quotes All quotes are from Pinterest.

Dream Holiday Destination: Hawaii

(Image Source: Google) (Image Source: Google) Where Hawaii is the number one destination on my holiday bucket list! Made up of many islands, six of which…