Fitness Fridays: Just Start

Fitness has been something I’ve always loved, I was always that person that actually enjoyed going to the gym, until this year for some reason…

Goodbye September, Hello October

Wow so where did September go?! Not that I’m complaining because I’m ready and looking forward to the colder weather (not that we’ve had much…

Daily Favourites: Busy Busy Tuesday

Even though I’ve had a busy busy Tuesday, I’ve still had time to fit in some leisure activities such as watching YouTube and eating some…

Let’s Talk: Heart Disease

So today April 23rd marks two years since my dad had a heart attack and thankfully with Gods grace he’s alive and kicking today! It…

Finally Getting Into 2016 // Giving Yourself Permission

So it’s almost the end of February and I’m finally getting in to the swing of 2016! Better late than never hey! My resolutions have…

Combat Stress

We all get stressed, it’s a fact. Either things and/or people stress us out or we just end up stressing ourselves out. Some stress is…

Mini Holland and Barrett Food Haul

I went for a three hour walk with THE BF yesterday as we both couldn’t be bothered to go to the gym. It was just so…