How To Treat A Dry Itchy Scalp

If you suffer from a dry or itchy scalp it can be quite depressing and embarrassing. I’ve personally not suffered with either but I have…

16 Things I’ve Learnt In 2016

It’s approaching the end of the year so naturally it feels like the perfect time to sit and reflect on things I’ve learnt in the…

Choose Life

This “CHOOSE LIFE” slogan is so appropriate right now. 2016 has taken so many legends from us and has given us so many indications and…

Last Minute Christmas Gift Guide 2016 – For Her

This year has gone by so quickly that I feel like I haven’t even had a chance to enjoy the purchases I made during the…

Last Minute Christmas Gift Guide 2016 – For Her

Last Minute Christmas Gift Guide 2016 – For Him

This year has gone by so quickly that I feel like I haven’t even had a chance to enjoy the purchases I made during the…

Last Minute Christmas Gift Guide 2016 - For Him

Bali Travel Diaries – Part 4 Ubud Stole My …

Bali Travel Diaries – Ubud Stole My Heart! After 2 extra days in Jimbaran we bundled ourselves into a coach and headed off to Ubud.…

Bali Travel Diaries – Part 3 Jimbaran…No More …

Bali Travel Diaries – Jimbaran…No More Luxury! As our trip to Gili T was cancelled we booked a last minute hotel in Jimbaran which was…

Bali Travel Diaries – Part 2 Jimbaran…The Big …

Bali Travel Diaries – Jimbaran…The Big Fat Indian/Italian Wedding Next stop was the luxurious Rimba Resort and the hour car ride to the resort in Jimbaran…

Bali Travel Diaries – Part 1 London to Seminyak……

Bali Travel Diaries – London to Seminyak…Party, Party, Party! Why Bali? For my cousins destination wedding and for someone who lives in the land of…

Daily Favourites: Wonderful Wednesday

Favourite YouTubers As you know I love finding new YouTubers and today I’m sharing a “pear” I found a few weeks ago but have been…